Aug 26, 2009

August 24th 2009

This isn't a great shot.. but I visited Queen Video on my lunch hour with Miss Christie Close to pick up Mad Men Season 2. I've seen half of it already but need a refresher before I start season 3, which is currently airing.

Best part about this lunch break? We went to Urban Outfitters afterward! (That isn't the best part, keep reading...) Christie was browsing the jewellery when I noticed a girl next to her. This girl was SO familiar. Had I met her before? I'm terrible with remembering anything except useless facts, so I was worried she'd recognize me, ask me how I was doing, and I wouldn't know who the hell she was. I was bracing for an awkward conversation.

THANKFULLY I remembered an extremely useless fact, she was on Project Runway Canada! I nudged Christie and mouthed, "I KNOW her!" Christie mouthed, "WHO IS SHE?" to which I mouthed back, "PROJECT RUNWAY CANADA: I THINK SHE WON!!!!"

So, Christie being Christie, says to this girl in the sweetest voice "Excuse me, did you win Project Runway Canada?" Girl says "Um, no.. I came in second."

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BURN!!!! My mistake. I'm an asshole sometimes, but in this case I shall blame Christie as if it weren't for her I never would have talked to this stranger in the first place.

You can look her up HERE!!!

PS - Jessica I really am a huge fan of yours.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha ooooh man - love this story. It least it wasn't you who asked ;)
