Aug 21, 2009

August 20th 2009

Our power went out at 730pm on Thursday night. A massive storm hit Toronto and surrounding areas, lots of thunder and lighting. My mother, brother, dog and myself gathered in the living room to hang out, while we patiently waited for the power to return. All of these photos were taken in candlelight but you'd never know it.

Our gathering began with Sheila insisting I document how TOTALLY AWESOME her hair looked. It did look really awesome - thanks Civello on Queen St for making my moms so hip and happenin'

Dooley (aka BILL) was really scared and was acting strangely throughout the evening. We blame him for the entire ordeal, as the storm was probably a result of Hurricane Bill. So... thanks for that Bill, good lookin' out.

The first time I tried taking a photo of "Sheila looking pensively out at the storm, while trying to dial my sister," she turned around and posed for the camera. This photo is completely staged.

After a glass of wine, Sheila was already pretty giddy and had nicknamed our storm experience, "TORNADO WATCH BOOZE PARTY!" Chris opted to drink Coca-Cola though, which kinda put a damper on the "BOOZE PARTY" aspect of our evening.

If you're looking at the above picture and thinking, "What's with the mobile phone?" Let me explain: Sheila is holding up her cell phone to record THE DATE AND TIME of when the picture was taken. When she decided on doing this, Chris blurted out - "What are we? Kidnapped? Want me to go grab today's paper, instead?" You can't really see the date and time at all, so the picture makes no sense whatsoever.

1 comment:

  1. Best post ever! I do however wish i had been at the "TORNADO WATCH BOOZE PARTY". Instead I was stuck with a boy watching the baseball game (as out power didn't go out) with a nervous dog and rabbit prancing around my feet. Next time there's going to be a tornado I'm coming to hang out with you guys!
