Oct 19, 2009

Oct 15th 2009

Shamara and I saw this dog wandering around the neighbourhood.... It was very gross as it seemed to have some sort of BODY PART hanging from it's belly. Our first reaction was, "OMG look at the gross dog balls!" but then realized it didn't quite look like balls. We later found out the dog has a hernia and the owner's don't plan on getting it fixed anytime soon. She eventually wandered into her own yard and presumably proceeded to lick her hernia. BARF.

If you enlarge you can kinda see the hanging red sack I'm referring to. YUCK.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god - that is gross and sad all at the same time. I'm sure it's not cheap to fix a dog hernia... but still. At least if your dog is gross keep it in your own yard.. YUCK!
