Jul 31, 2009

July 31st 2009

Today was insane at work. Gorgeous day in Toronto but I barely stepped outside because the phones were ringing and the emails wouldn't stop coming.

I did manage to 30 minute break near the end of my shift. I enjoyed a yum Starbucks no foam latte while sitting in the park people watching. It was hot as balls so I'm not sure why I ordered a hot coffee... and why I sat in direct sunlight while I drank it.... but it was the nicest, most relaxing part of my day.... UNTIL....

This freaky pigeon came around me hunting for food. There are a lot of pigeons in the park, but this one was "off." He was staring at me. He'd come really close to my feet. He wouldn't move for minutes at a time. Eventually his presence is what brought me back to work - there wasn't something right, like Esther the Orphan, something wasn't right with this pigeon. I actually had a nervous laugh while watching him. He was so still, and SO close to me, I was just waiting for him to fly up in my face and poke my eyes out. Either that pigeon is from hell or I'm paranoid.


  1. that was me! i was trying to communicate through the stare that i miss you but i do not miss work... i would have spoken but i haven't mastered pigeon.

    next time i'll pick a cuter animal to channel. but cute-fauna is hard to come by in toronto. imagine if i had channeled squirrel - much much creepier.

    ps - yay farmer's market.. i remember the joy when we went the first time. and i remember the small fortunes i couldn't help but spend there. (also: hahaa, starbucks.. any cute irish blokes there this summer?)

  2. you were the pigeon??? had i know I would have wrapped you up in a beautiful scarf and brought you back to your mama at work!

    I suppose you're still in Poland as I had a visitor from my site from Poland. Unless I have other Polish friends out there.

    There aren't any cute Irish blokes at Starbucks anymore. I barely know any of the baristas these days, it's quite sad. But only because I have to pay for my drinks and food. Fuck.
